Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What are men made of and what are women made for?

We have to accept that men and women are wired differently.

From their early days, both men and woman have struggled hard to understand why their partner behave the way they do.

Even long-married couples who think they understand each other have only actually scratched the surface in their quest to unearth both genders innermost thoughts and feelings.

Well, at least that's what John Gray in his book Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus thinks about the sexes; that their biological and gender difference makes them always think and feel the opposite, as if they are made or born from different planets.

One of John Gray's observation is that men, unlike women, don't like to chew on problems, when they appear. Men would prefer to solve them, whereas women would rather dwell, harp or even sit on it.

Women, on the other hand, thinks differently about men.

In her book, For Women Only; What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men, Shaunti Feldhahn echoes the Freudian view about men.

She says all men can think about when faced with a pretty woman is that she is a piece of meat waiting to be devoured through one sexual fantasy after another. Regardless of his current marital status OR his relationship with God, he has the same instincts that animal has, case closed.

Women should then, according to Shaunti, applaud their seemingly loyal husband in his difficult and strenuous struggle to remain monogomous, in thought and action

To highlight the glaring difference between both sexes, Shaunti quoted a survey in which men and women were asked: If you had to choose between being alone and unloved or being inadequated and disrespected, which would you choose?

Both men and women felt the answer was obvious. But their responses were almost the exact opposite. Women said they'd rather be disrespected than be alone and unloved. Men overwhelmingly (74%) said they'd rather be unloved than disrespected.

Of course everybody would like to be both respected and loved, but if given the choice of just one, the choice falls along gender lines.

Now, these are just the many few things that men don't understand about women as much as women think they do about men, but in actuality they don't.

Some women might say; you need to be in love with the man you respect, believe in or of the same wavelength to understand what they really are. But these are just excuses that proves their ignorance and inadequacy of the matter.

Read more on the 6 things women don't get about men here.

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