Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Jurusan komunikasi massa - antara course paling simple dan mudah lulus kat USM..."

First I thought of posting this entry in my other blog, but no, it's too risky - albeit admitting, I am in the risky business. But I just had to blog this although I know it's like shooting with a dangerous weapon and that the bullet will ricochet back to you.

Actually I had already read Dr Siti Mariah's posting: "Respon kepada penyiaran surat Nik Amalina" in Kick's blog, but it didn't strike me the interest to visit Dr Siti Mariah's blog for reasons I would rather reserve. But, today I nonchalantly clicked on it, unaware I was about to discover something very challengingly controversial, to say the least.

Okay, enough said, just read this extract by someone with the nick "cucu" and judge it for yourself:

"Tentang Sdr Syed Azidi, saya kenal beliau sejak beliau jadi pelajar USM lagi pada akhir 80an dan awal 90an. Beliau pelajar jurusan komunikasi massa - antara course paling simple dan mudah lulus kat USM masa itu. Pelajar2 mass com masa itu merupakan antara golongan pelajar paling "sosial"...

Continue reading here

No, I am not trying to echo or amplify this 'nameless' person's cowardice act of disrobing Kick's 'evil-deeds' or infidelity while at USM (if there was any). What I am trying to do is to 'highlight' the accusation that USM's Mass Communication degree is the most simple and easy to pass course at USM.

Or is it? You be the judge...

The posting generated 34 comments and you will have to read them all, including the original posting to understand the context of this entry.

My caution to somebody: beware if you are forwarding this to people. It might get us into trouble... I deliberately did not put her name there because satgi dia col ler tanya, apa maksud En. Izaham, ... tak faham?

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