Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Two 'Nahs' video don't make one 'Nah' video a right.

I found these sayings in a Wikipedia posting:

~ Two wrongs don't make a right, but two Wrights make an airplane -- ShadowDragon 20:57, 12 Aug 2003 (UTC).

~ Sign outside Chinese restaurant: Two Wongs make it right!

~ Two wrongs don't make a right, but three do...

This entry is about the third saying, ironically speaking, that is!

First it was the alleged racial slurs committed by the two principal/headmistress of two secondary schools, one south, the other from the north of the peninsular as you can read in my earlier posting: Warped logic by unintelligent people of PERKASA

The second is the vulgarity laden rap video in response to the alleged racist statement by the principal from the southern peninsular school. The video entitled "Nah" was made by the infamous Wee Meng Chee or better known as Namewee (of the Negarakuku infamy). Namewee was alleged to have uploaded the video clip on YouTube, in which the contents of his rap song targeted the school principal and also labeled the Education Ministry as rude. It was claimed to be seditious.

Also check this out: Namewee Respond Terhadap Isu Racism di Malaysia NAH!!

Namewee later surrendered himself to the police, who recorded a statement from him. Read 'Namewee' Gives Statement to police.

Wee said he had the support of the people although his action to produce a three-minute video clip was deemed seditious by some for condemning a principal who allegedly made a racist statement recently.

Now, the first alleged wrong or wrongs made by the two teachers, which has been filed for police reports under acts of sedition by members of the public (amounting to 50 reports) to me must be true or else the police would have rounded up the 50 odd complainants. Because if these complaints weren't true, the complainants may have been charged with issuing false reports if the other party were to counter the report on their complainants.

The second wrong was done by Namewee by publishing or uploading the Nah video - FUCK Racism Malaysia NAH!!! Sucks Banana! ... no matter what excuse Namewee wants to give to the extent of his anger on the earlier incident.

The third is of course the swift reaction of the police in response to the Namewee's published video. This fast and efficient job by the police in response to complaints made by members of the public when it was reported in the mainstream media, a day earlier can surely be applauded. Even reports by members of the public directly to the police stations may sometimes not be undertaken as fast as this particular incident.

Now, why do I say the third one does (make a right)... because you have to let the police do their work -- before things get out-of-control -- and before some other smart-ass imbecile make another Nah video ~ FUCK Chinese Malaysia NAH!!! Sucks Cucumber! ... in response to Namewee's earlier Nah video.

So do you dig it?

~ Two wrongs don't make a right, but three do... because the third one must be done correctly as was in this case or else someone might want to parody Namewee's video and produce another blockbuster.

So two 'Nahs' video don't make one 'Nah' video a right...RIGHT!

Enough with one 'Nah' video. Let's put the case to rest.

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