In conservative Malaysia, married couples are accustomed to the term ‘Monsters-in-law' (or ibu mergastuaku), meaning the bothersome mother-in-law meddling in their sons/daughters family affairs.
This problematic factor was known to be among the main reasons of divorce here. Read the Star's article ‘Monsters-in-law’ among main causes of divorce dated 26 May, 2009.
This phenomenon is not only significant in Malay family divorces as was superbly portrayed in P. Ramlee's 1962 movie-drama Ibu Mertuaku, it was also cited as the the main reason for Indian couples divorce.
The 2004 study by the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) showed that meddlesome in-laws are the main reason couples divorce. Two other factors were incompatibility (42.3%) and infidelity (12%).
"Interference of in-laws is the main reason why Indians divorce. It is the top ranked reason at 30%," said LPPKN Director General Datuk Aminah Abdul Rahman.
Among Malays, the second most common reason for a divorce is infidelity and a refusal to put up with polygamy (enggan dimadukan), the study said. Nonetheless, infidelity appeared to be tolerated among the Chinese.
"The Chinese considered infidelity the least crucial reason to demand for a divorce", she said.
Another overall reason that ranked high among the three races at 11.5% is ‘not being responsible'.

In another related news, as was reported in Utusan Malaysia today (9.03.2010), Minister in Prime Minister's Department, Datuk T. Murugiah said other reasons why couples divorce are about their partners being too fat (obesity) and having bad breath.
He said, the random study done by the Public Complaints Bureau (BPA) found that these factors were not only applicable to women. Men were also said neglecting their personal hygiene such as having pot belly, bad breath, not brushing their teeth or other poor physical traits resulting in their wives to reject them.
Murugiah also pointed out that the percentage of divorce has risen to about 22% since a few years back and is expected to increase in the future.
He stressed that the best way to keep divorces at bay was for couples to keep healthy and attend courses on how to be a complete man or woman.
Hmmm... so, for us men@husbands, better go check the measurement of our tummies before our wives petition for divorce...women too (excluding pregnant@mothers-to-be).
So what's the standard tummy measurement for men and husbands-to-be now?

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