Do you think Putri has done a good job at advising Nuruliman in this case?
I also believe, certain women and liberal groups would knee-jerk in anger in response to this simplistic answer of an advice. And certainly these women and feminist group would then label Putri an ultra conservative to be able to even think of telling Nuruliman to consider accepting the man's offer as his second wife.
Wouldn't it be too much to believe that this man's first wife really endorses the relationship -- a second relationship by her own husband to younger woman? And yet she (the first wife) is so nice and tolerant to be able to accept this younger woman as part of her 'family' and not a 'competitor' in love?
Even a man like me can say it is ridiculous and emotionally insane for any woman by any standard (religious or not) to accept another woman as a competitor in love and marriage, so why not a woman? And yet Putri would tell Nurliman to rather 'consider' it first after getting further advice from her family/parents.
So, are all women good or better at giving advice/writing advice columns?
Now read the article below to see how men fared better at writing advice columns...!
he..he.. you will have to read between the lines to be able to grasp the gist of this advice...!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to ask...
Does your man's behavior totally confuse you?
Does he say one thing and do another?
Saying he's going to call...but then????
Crazy huh?
If you have a few minutes, I'd like to introduce you to Bob.
>>> Meet Bob Here! <<<
Bob explains a lot of men's very weird behavior.
And he reveals how you can use all of this behavior to your advantage.
>>> Find Out How To Understand Your Man Here <<<
And I love the part where he talks about "The #1
Man Repellant In Existence."
(Gabriel Alexander)