Suzana Ghazali, normally seen on Astro TV as a guest who speaks about family and relationships, claims herself (or at least the newspaper where she usually writes to, refers her as) a perunding psikologi keluarga ~ family consultant psychologist, as displayed below her name in her column in Kosmo!.
She also writes for Majalah Mingguan Wanita and has several blogs, one of which is Bina Bahagia Bersama Suzana Ghazali
Now how did she get to use those credentials or titles ~ family consultant psychologist and syariah lawyer? What qualification does she have apart from having a Syariah Law Degree from UM.
In one website MDolUnited: it says apart from the Syariah Law degree, Suzana also holds a masters degree in Counseling Psychology ~ Sarjana Psikologi (Kaunseling)from UKM (National University of Malaysia).
Now does that qualify her to be a consultant psychologist or can she claim herself to be an expert in family psychology?
In reference to a page in a website - which says: Psychologists receive graduate training in psychology and pursue either a Ph.D or Psy.D in clinical or counseling psychology, which typically take five to seven years to complete. The title of "psychologist" can only be used by an individual who has completed the above education, training, and state licensure (applies in the US).
For e.g. if you look at the credentials of a counseling resource column/blog/website: Ask The Psychologist and Welcome to the Ask The Psychologist, the consultant psychologist resource personnel are clinical psychologists with a qualification of either a PhD or a PsyD.
Now at this juncture, you readers would want to ask, why all of a sudden am I wired about wanting to know if she is qualified or not? She has a graduate degree in Counseling Psychology, is that not good enough to be a family consultant psychologist?

Now here comes the catch ~ if you consider Suzana Ghazali, the newspaper/magazine columnist, a counselor and motivator, a TV personality as an expert in her work and causes, then you can approve (or recognize) that anything that comes out from her mouth (or her written statement) as valid and is reflective/represents what most women in this country thinks about family relationship and the man-woman correlation as true, then read on.
This is what she has written in her latest column in Kosmo! 16.07.2010 (click pic above to read the whole article)
Sejauh mana curangnya pasangan? Sekadar berkawan? Bercinta? Atau dah bersama di tempat tidur? Bagi suami/lelaki, kalau sekadar berkawan atau bercinta; bagi saya masih belum boleh dikatakan curang.
Berbeza dengan isteri/wanita; syarak mengharamkan isteri menyimpan rasa suka apatah lagi rasa cinta kepada lelaki selain suami. Jika isteri bercinta dengan lelaki lain; isteri ini boleh dikategorikan sebagai curang; tak kira apa pun sebabnya termasuk kegagalan suami menunaikan tanggungjawab.
My simple translation: How (or to what extent) do you consider your partner has cheated on you? Is it just befriending another or being in love? Does your partner make love in bed with another person? For a man/husband, if he is just befriending or is in love with someone else, THEN TO ME IT IS NOT CHEATING (committing infidelity).
This is different with a wife/woman; Islamic law (syarak) prohibits a woman to have any feelings towards another man, apart from her husband. If a wife falls in love with another man; she is considered (or can be categorized as) cheating (committing infidelity); without any excuse, regardless of whether her husband had neglected his duties (on her).
Feminists reading this cue might want to go to town brandishing their guns blazing with fiery words found inside or outside the lexicon, if the statement was uttered by a man (personality).
Now all of a sudden, a woman family consultant psychologist says it is not (considered cheating), if a man/husband does that as compared with the same if done by a woman/wife.
Now you people reading this are probably thinking that I am goading and inviting you to come out and defend her. Yes, in a way, if you think she has a position to defend the statement. Naturally, as a man, I say this is something we have to shout about!
But any right thinking person (regardless of gender) would say that this statement is unfair, discriminative and distasteful especially with respect to women? And that the point she raised is irreverent, utterly insensitive or she probably does not have clue what she is talking (or writing) about.
But quite the opposite, maybe she does have a reason. She is talking or referring to syariah law, where men are allowed to remarry another, even if the wife is still around and well (not sick).
But does the law apply (in this case) if the actions of men/husbands (when they fall in love with another) are made known (intentionally or otherwise) to their wives and that it hurts their feeling like crazy?
Are matters of the heart not valid in Islam?
These are the contemporary questions that should be answered well with regards to Islamic teachings. But the answers I believe can only be found deep inside the hearts of modern Islamic scholars and writers.
Allah knows best.
Rezeki masing-masing..buat apa la nak dengki kan...susah nak puaskan hati semua orang terutama yang tak senang tgk org lain lebih sikit...she just give some opinion...yang mana baik terima sebagai pengajaran..tgh tunggu bila turn you dijemput jadi tetamu kat rancangan TV if you think you good enough lol...
ReplyDeletethank you all for visiting my blog and thanks Suzana Ghazali for directing your readers to this post. I have read your article in response to this entry and will also find time to respond to it. as for all the negative comments and provocations -- i appreciate them but i find most are too lame and not up my taste or standard
ReplyDeleteFYI Suzana Ghazali has replied to this entry through her column: Resipi Hidup Mingguan Wanita (Karangkraf's weekly magazine) Bil 1407 dated 5-11 November 2010: Emosi diambil kira tapi tidak diutama. I will try to scan the page and post it here when I get my hands on a scanner. If you can't wait go any newsstand and buy one, cost RM3.30
ReplyDeleteI've just applied to study a famouslaw professors and am in a very similair position. I've got savings from summer work and have been granted a scholarship, I'm still worried as to whether or not I'll have the funds to complete my degree...don't see my parents selling the house to help me out so I guess it'll have to be a part time job while studying for me. If you can do it I don't see why I can't.